Lions Park

In reaction to a wave of juvenile delinquency and truancy following World War II, Raleigh’s leaders worked to expand recreational programs and facilities within the city. In 1951, Raleigh issued a quarter of a million dollar bond issue aimed at purchasing park lands in the area before rapid growth consumed available land. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee at the time hoped that civic groups would adopt and develop these sites as they were purchased. The Lions park in downtown Raleigh is one of the first parks to develop out of this plan. Continue reading “Lions Park”

Camping at Falls Lake

This weekend, I took my almost-eight-year-old son for his first camping trip.  Some long-time family friends of ours have kids that are close in age to our children. We gathered the two families for a dinner including hot dogs roasted over a roaring fire, followed up with the always-popular s’mores. A bit before the 8pm park-closing, the wives took the younger children home, leaving my friend and I and our two sons to camp for the night. Continue reading “Camping at Falls Lake”

Brookhaven Nature Park

One of my inspirations for creating this blog is the adventure of finding out about parks that I’ve never visited. Today, I checked out the Brookhaven Nature Park, hidden just off Gleenwood Ave a bit west of Crabtree Valley Mall. Brookhaven is a surprisingly peaceful park that’s fairly close to some busy Raleigh thoroughfares.

Continue reading “Brookhaven Nature Park”